* Komentarze pod zdjeciem wegierskiego Ikarusa <Matthias> Is it ...
Kategorie: Rozmowy GG IRC

* Komentarze pod zdjeciem wegierskiego Ikarusa
<Matthias> Is it Wengerian bus?
<2250> What do you mind ??
<Piotrek_2274> Wengerian? lomatko a nie czasem Hungarian?
<Matthias> What does it mean Hungarian and Iomatko? This is Ikarus, isn`t it? There is sign Ikarus on the front side bus, but I don`t see sign of
Iomatko. What is Iomatko? Polish buses? O, shaggy dog! Polish language is very strange

* Komentarze pod zdjeciem wegierskiego Ikarusa<br><Matthias> Is it Wengerian bus?<br><2250> What do you mind ??<br><Piotrek_2274> Wengerian? lomatko a nie czasem Hungarian?<br><Matthias> What does it mean Hungarian and Iomatko? This is Ikarus, isn`t it? There is sign Ikarus on the front side bus, but I don`t see sign of <br>Iomatko. What is Iomatko? Polish buses? O, shaggy dog! Polish language is very strange
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