<SolFar> Now now my childs im will lead you to the light! falow ...
Kategorie: Rozmowy GG IRC

<SolFar> Now now my childs im will lead you to the light! falow me :P
<HandMade> yes master
<SolFar> write ./quit
<SolFar> withaut the kropka :p
<HandMade> master but this is bat
<HandMade> i no listen to you
<SolFar> you must do it! for the ligtnes!
<HandMade> yes master
* HandMade has quit IRC (Quit: Master)

<SolFar> Now now my childs im will lead you to the light! falow me :P<br><HandMade> yes master<br><SolFar> write ./quit<br><SolFar> withaut the kropka :p<br><HandMade> master but this is bat<br><HandMade> i no listen to you<br><SolFar> you must do it! for the ligtnes!<br><HandMade> yes master<br>* HandMade has quit IRC (Quit: Master)
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