<tom_> This is for any Google Translate staff who's reading ...
Kategorie: Rozmowy GG IRC

<tom_> This is for any Google Translate staff who's reading this:
<tom_> Our housekeeper speaks very poor English, so I usually use Babelfish to
communicate with her. I type in English and she reads the translation
in Spanish. Today I thought I'd use the Google translator for a change
of pace.
<tom_> She told me today that she's getting married, so I asked (via the
Google translator) "How did you meet your
husband?" The Google translator translated this as "

<tom_> This is for any Google Translate staff who's reading this:<br><tom_> Our housekeeper speaks very poor English, so I usually use Babelfish to<br>communicate with her. I type in English and she reads the translation<br>in Spanish. Today I thought I'd use the Google translator for a change<br>of pace.<br><tom_> She told me today that she's getting married, so I asked (via the<br>Google translator) "How did you meet your<br>husband?" The Google translator translated this as "
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