<the-dead> polish seems to be the easiest language...as far as i...
Kategorie: Rozmowy GG IRC

<the-dead> polish seems to be the easiest language...as far as i know from this channel i only need \"tak\" \"nie\" and \"chuj\" to communicate with everyone ??? *smile to Karql*
<djcool> ;D
<djcool> tak
<Platyna> Nie.
<Platyna> ;D
<djcool> ;dd
<the-dead> ch*j!

<the-dead> polish seems to be the easiest language...as far as i know from this channel i only need \"tak\" \"nie\" and \"chuj\" to communicate with everyone ??? *smile to Karql*<br><djcool> ;D<br><djcool> tak<br><Platyna> Nie.<br><Platyna> ;D<br><djcool> ;dd<br><the-dead> ch*j!
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